Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 37, Number 7, March I 1997
Page(s) | 483 - 488 | |
Section | Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic and optical properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
A photoemission spectroscopy study of PrNiO3 through the metal-insulator transition
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH Zürich & PSI, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Institut de Physique, Université de Neuchâtel - CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Laboratoire des Fluorures, Université du Maine, Avenue Olivier-Messiaen, F-72017 Le Mans Cedex, France.
In this paper we report ultraviolet photoemission data from
, the first member of the rare-earth nickelate series to
undergo a metal-to-insulator transition at a finite temperature,
. Photoemission spectra from the Fermi level region as a
function of temperature show the clear opening-up of the gap in the
quasi-particle density of states at TMI. A discontinuity in the
slope of the integrated photoemission signal from the immediate Fermi
level region allows an exact determination of TMI. Near Fermi
level spectra from
, which does not exhibit a
metal-to-insulator transition, are shown alongside the
data for comparison.
PACS: 71.30.+h – Metal-insulator transitions and other electronic transitions / 79.60.-i – Photoemission and photoelectron spectra / 71.20.-b – Electron density of states and band structure of crystalline solids
© EDP Sciences, 1997
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