Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 38, Number 3, April III 1997
Page(s) | 165 - 170 | |
Section | General | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
Critical properties in two-dimensional order-disorder phase transitions: experimental determination of the exponents alpha and eta by integrating methods
Institut für Festkörperphysik, Universität Hannover, Appelstraße 2, D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Integrating methods in low-energy electron diffraction (LEED)
—turning the instrument to low resolution in — can reliably be
used to study critical properties of continuous two-dimensional phase
transitions and to determine critical exponents
α and η. We performed
systematic tests of the conditions under which an energy-like power
dependence of the diffracted intensity of superstructure beams can be
observed in order-disorder phase transitions of adsorbed atomic layers
belonging to 3- and 4-state Potts universality classes. We further show
that in the limit
the exponent η can be determined
reliably both below and above Tc using integrated intensities.
PACS: 05.70.Jk – Critical point phenomena / 68.35.Rh – Phase transitions and critical phenomena
© EDP Sciences, 1997
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