Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 39, Number 4, August II 1997
Page(s) | 401 - 406 | |
Section | Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
Evidence of diffusion-controlled vitrification in Ni/Zr bilayer at medium temperatures by molecular-dynamics simulation
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Tsinghua University - Beijing 100084, China
National Laboratory of Solid-State Microstructure Physics,
Nanjing University - Nanjing 210093, China
On the basis of an n-body potential, a molecular-dynamics simulation for a Ni/Zr bilayer with a preset disordered interfacial region was performed to investigate the vitrification process upon isothermal annealing at medium temperatures. Mutual diffusion and alloying between Ni and Zr layers were observed, which in turn resulted in a diffusion-controlled vitrification initiating from the interface. Meanwhile, the diffusivity of Ni was found to be greater than that of Zr in the amorphous interlayer through a brief estimation of their diffusion coefficients.
PACS: 64.70.Kb – Solid-solid transitions / 82.20.Wt – Computational modeling; simulation / 61.43.Dq – Amorphous semiconductors, metals, and alloys
© EDP Sciences, 1997
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