Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 43, Number 1, July I 1998
Page(s) | 41 - 46 | |
Section | Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
AFM observation of force on a dielectric sphere in the evanescent field of totally reflected light
Jožef Stefan Institute - Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana - Jadranska 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia
We present the first direct measurement of the radiation pressure force acting on a sphere in
the evanescent field of a totally reflected light beam using the atomic force microscope (AFM).
A dielectric sphere was attached to the AFM cantilever and placed into the evanescent light
field of the Ar-laser beam illuminating a sapphire prism surface at an angle larger than the
critical. A repulsive force due to the evanescent field was observed. The force decreases
exponentially with the characteristic length of nm as the distance between the
sphere and the total reflection surface increases. The measured magnitude of the force close to
the surface is
N. Both the magnitude and the decay length are in
good agreement with the calculated values.
PACS: 61.16.Ch – Scanning probe microscopy: scanning tunneling, atomic force, scanning optical, magnetic force, etc / 42.25.Bs – Wave propagation, transmission and absorption / 42.25.Gy – Edge and boundary effects; reflection and refraction
© EDP Sciences, 1998
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