Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 48, Number 6, December 1999
Page(s) | 686 - 691 | |
Section | Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic and optical properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
Spin-orientation–dependent superconductivity in F/S/F structures
Centre de Physique Théorique et de Modélisation, Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS-URA 1537, F-33405 Talence Cedex, France
A new proximity interferential effect is predicted for ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet (F/S/F) systems. When the superconducting layer thickness is smaller or of the order of the superconducting coherence length, its critical temperature and other superconducting characteristics strongly depend on the mutual orientation of the magnetization in F layers. Such a behaviour may result in the fabrication of the so-called spin-valve sandwiches revealing huge magnetoresistance.
PACS: 74.80.Dm – Superconducting layer structures: superlattices, heterojunctions, and multilayers / 74.50.+r – Proximity effects, weak links, tunneling phenomena, and Josephson effects
© EDP Sciences, 1999
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