Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 53, Number 4, February 2001
Page(s) | 465 - 470 | |
Section | The physics of elementary particles and fields | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2003 |
Photon-photon scattering in a 3-3-1 model
Departamento de Física, CINVESTAV Apartado Postal
14-740, 07000, México D.F., México
Facultad de Ciencias
Físico Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Apartado
Postal 1152, Puebla, Pue., México
We analyze the effects of a doubly charged vector bilepton as
well as exotic quarks with charge 5/3e and on light-by-light
scattering. We consider mass values in the range 0.3-1 TeV, which will
be reached at the planned future linear colliders. It is found that such
exotic particles, especially the doubly charged vector bilepton, give
raise to remarkable deviations from the standard model cross-section. The
virtual effects arising from these particles would provide an indirect
test to a particular model which is based on the
gauge symmetry,
known as 3-3-1 model, where such particles are a natural prediction.
PACS: 12.60.C – Extensions of gauge sector / 12.60.F – Extensions of Higgs sector / 14.80.-j – Other particles (including hypothetical)
© EDP Sciences, 2001
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