Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 54, Number 1, April 2001
Page(s) | 98 - 104 | |
Section | Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2003 |
Fizeau's interferometer device in thin superconducting films
Centre de Recherches sur les Très Basses Températures
Laboratoire Associé à l'Université Joseph Fourier,
CNRS BP 166, 38042 Grenoble-Cédex 9, France
Departamento de Física, Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 22452-970 RJ, Brazil
Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
C.P. 68528 Rio de Janeiro 21945-970 RJ, Brazil
We propose here that thin superconducting films, deposited on a substrate
of high dielectric constant, be used in Fizeau's experiment,
which probes how light propagates inside a drifting charged condensate.
We predict that the phase shift of the propagating light is well described by
an effective London length, and is proportional to
, where v0 is the superfluid velocity and
phase velocity of the propagating mode.
We claim that
thin films
grown on
form a system where this phase shift is large enough to
be measured.
PACS: 75.30.Mb – Valence fluctuation, Kondo lattice, and heavy-fermion phenomena / 74.10.+v – Occurrence, potential candidates / 74.25.Gz – Optical properties
© EDP Sciences, 2001
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