Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 55, Number 2, July 2001
Page(s) | 164 - 170 | |
Section | Interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2003 |
Lyapunov exponents as a dynamical indicator of a phase transition
Laboratoire de Physique, UMR CNRS 5672, Ecole Normale
Supérieure de Lyon
46, allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon cédex 07, France
Corresponding author:
We study analytically the behavior of the largest Lyapunov exponent
for a one-dimensional chain of coupled nonlinear
oscillators, by combining the transfer integral method and a
Riemannian geometry approach. We apply the results to a simple model,
proposed for the DNA denaturation, which emphasizes a first-order-like
or second-order phase transition depending on the ratio of two length
scales: this is an excellent model to characterize
as a
dynamical indicator close to a phase transition.
PACS: 05.45.-a – Nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear dynamical systems / 05.70.Fh – Phase transitions: general studies / 02.40.-k – Geometry, differential geometry, and topology
© EDP Sciences, 2001
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