Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 55, Number 6, September II 2001
Page(s) | 834 - 840 | |
Section | Condensed matter: structural, mechanical and thermal properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 December 2003 |
“Marginal pinching” in soap films
Physique de la Matière Condensée,
CNRS URA 792, Collège de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Corresponding author:
We discuss the behaviour of a thin soap film facing a frame
element: the pressure in the Plateau border around the frame is
lower than the film pressure, and the film thins out over a
certain distance , due to the formation of a
well-localized pinched region of thickness h(t) and extension
w(t). We construct a hydrodynamic theory for this thinning
process, assuming a constant surface tension: Marangoni
effects are probably important only at late stages,
where instabilities set in. We find
and for the pinch dimensions,
. These results may play a useful role
for the discussion of later instabilities
leading to a global film thinning and drainage, as first
discussed by K. Mysels under the name “marginal regeneration”.
PACS: 68.15.+e – Liquid thin films / 83.80.Iz – Emulsions and foams / 02.40.Xx – Singularity theory
© EDP Sciences, 2001
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