Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 70, Number 3, May 2005
Page(s) | 313 - 319 | |
Section | Nuclear physics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 April 2005 |
Applicability of shape parameterizations for giant dipole resonance in warm and rapidly rotating nuclei
Institute of Physics - Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar 751 005, India
Sonepur College - Subarnapur 767017, Orissa, India
We investigate how well the shape parameterizations are applicable for studying the giant dipole resonance (GDR) in nuclei, in the low-temperature and/or high-spin regime. The shape fluctuations due to thermal effects in the GDR observables are calculated using the actual free energies evaluated at fixed spin and temperature. The results obtained are compared with Landau theory calculations done by parameterizing the free energy. We exemplify that the Landau theory could be inadequate where shell effects are dominating. This discrepancy at low temperatures and high spins is well reflected in GDR observables and hence insists on exact calculations in such cases.
PACS: 24.30.Cz – Giant resonances / 21.60.-n – Nuclear structure models and methods / 24.60.-k – Statistical theory and fluctuations
© EDP Sciences, 2005
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