Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 75, Number 2, July 2006
Page(s) | 248 - 253 | |
Section | The physics of elementary particles and fields | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 June 2006 |
Neutrino mixing and CP violation from Dirac-Majorana bimaximal mixture and quark-lepton unification
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics - Pohang 790-784, Korea
Corresponding author:
We demonstrate that only two ansätze can produce the features of
the neutrino mixing angles. The first ansatz comes from the
quark-lepton grand unification; is
satisfied for left-handed neutrinos, where
are the Dirac mass eigenstates and
are the flavour
eigenstates. The second ansatz comes from the assumption;
is satisfied between the Dirac mass
and the light Majorana neutrino mass
, where
Ubimaximal is the
rotation matrix that contains
two maximal mixing angles and a zero mixing. By these two ansätze,
the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata lepton flavour mixing matrix is given by
. We find that in this
model the novel relation
satisfied, where
are solar and
CHOOZ angle, respectively. This “Solar-CHOOZ Complementarity”
relation indicates that only if the CHOOZ angle
sizable, the solar angle
can deviate from the maximal
mixing. Our predictions are
, which are consistent with
experiments. We also infer the CP violation in neutrino
oscillations. The leptonic Dirac CP phase
predicted as
, where
are the CKM parameters in Wolfenstein
parametrization. In contrast to the quark CP phase
, the leptonic Dirac CP phase is very small,
. Furthermore, we remark that the
ratio of the Jarlskog CP violation factor for quarks and leptons is
important, because the large uncertainty on η is cancelled out
in the ratio,
PACS: 14.60.Pq – Neutrino mass and mixing
© EDP Sciences, 2006
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