Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 75, Number 2, July 2006
Page(s) | 260 - 266 | |
Section | Physics of gases, plasmas and electric discharges | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 June 2006 |
Effect of betatron resonance on plasma wave acceleration of electrons in an ion channel
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology - New Delhi-110016, India
Corresponding author:
We study the electron acceleration by a plasma wave in an ion channel. Initially, the channel forms due to the action of radial ponderomotive force of short pulse laser and later on sustained by the plasma wave, which is generated by the axial ponderomotive force of the laser pulse. The plasma wave traps and accelerates electrons in this ion channel. The electrons in the channel undergo betatron oscillations and are also accelerated by the plasma wave simultaneously. The acceleration is caused via Čerenkov resonance as well as via betatron resonance. Initially slowly moving electrons gain energy in a stepwise manner with the period of a betatron oscillation.
PACS: 52.38.Kd – Laser-plasma acceleration of electrons and ions / 52.38.-r – Laser-plasma interactions
© EDP Sciences, 2006
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