Issue |
Volume 84, Number 3, November 2008
Article Number | 31002 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 31 October 2008 |
Searching hidden-sector photons inside a superconducting box
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University - Durham DH1 3LE, UK, EU
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron - Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany, EU
We propose an experiment to search for extra “hidden-sector" U(1) gauge bosons with small gauge kinetic mixing with the ordinary photon, predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model. The setup consists of a highly sensitive magnetometer inside a superconducting shielding which are in turn placed inside a strong (but sub-critical) magnetic field. Photon
hidden-sector photon
photon oscillations would allow the magnetic field to “leak” into the shielded volume and register on the magnetometer. In our setup the magnetometer directly measures the field strength (
χ 2), improving the sensitivity over “light-shining-through-walls experiments which measure the regeneration probability (
χ 4). In the mass range 2 μ eV ≲ m
≲ 200 meV the projected sensitivity is in the χ ~ 5
10-9 to χ ~ 10-6 range. This surpasses current astrophysical and laboratory limits by several orders of magnitude —ample room to discover new physics.
PACS: 14.70.Pw – Other gauge bosons / 12.20.Fv – Experimental tests / 41.20.Gz – Magnetostatics; magnetic shielding, magnetic induction, boundary-value problems
© EPLA, 2008
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