Issue |
Volume 84, Number 4, November 2008
Article Number | 47003 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 November 2008 |
Hysteresis in the electronic transport of V2O3 thin films: Non-exponential kinetics and range scale of phase coexistence
Laboratoire CRISMAT, UMR 6508 du CNRS, ENSICAEN and Université de Caen 6 Bd Maréchal Juin, F-14050 Caen 4, France, EU
Corresponding author:
The thermal hysteresis of the electronic transport properties was studied for V2O3 thin films. The temporal evolution of the resistance shows the out-of-equilibrium nature of this hysteresis with a very slow relaxation. Partial cycles reveal not only a behavior consistent with phase coexistence, but also the presence of spinodal temperatures which are largely separated. The temperature spreading of phase coexistence is consistent with the bulk phase diagram in the pressure-temperature plane, confirming that the film is effectively under an effective pressure induced by the substrate.
PACS: 71.30.+h – Metal-insulator transitions and other electronic transitions / 73.50.-h – Electronic transport phenomena in thin films / 81.15.Fg – Laser deposition
© EPLA, 2008
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