Issue |
Volume 88, Number 4, November 2009
Article Number | 47003 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 November 2009 |
Spinor Boltzmann-Poisson equation and application to spin-dependent transport in magnetic multilayers
College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences P. O. Box 4588, Beijing 100049, China
Corresponding author:
In order to consider the effect of electron-electron (e-e) interactions on the quantum transport in magnetic multilayers, the spinor Boltzmann equation and Poisson equation are jointly investigated. The analytical expressions of the spinor distribution function and the self-consistent average potential associated with e-e interactions are obtained, and the dielectric function in the self-consistent average potential is naturally generalized. Then we apply these results to the system of ferromagnet/insulator/dilute-magnetic-semiconductor (FM/I/DMS) layers, and study the time and position dependences of the charge current, spin current and spin accumulation in the FM/I/DMS system.
PACS: 72.10.Bg – General formulation of transport theory / 72.25.Ba – Spin polarized transport in metals / 72.25.-b – Spin polarized transport
© EPLA, 2009
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