Issue |
Volume 100, Number 1, October 2012
Article Number | 17013 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 October 2012 |
Quantum percolation in quantum spin Hall antidot systems
1 Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong - Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
2 College of Physics, Hebei Advanced Thin Films Laboratory, Hebei Normal University - Shijiazhuang, China
Received: 16 May 2012
Accepted: 15 September 2012
We study the influences of antidot-induced bound states on transport properties of two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulators. The bound states are found able to induce quantum percolation in the originally insulating bulk. At some critical antidot densities, the quantum spin Hall phase can be completely destroyed due to the maximum quantum percolation. For systems with periodic boundaries, the maximum quantum percolation between the bound states creates intermediate extended states in the bulk which is originally gapped and insulating. The antidot-induced bound states plays the same role as the magnetic field in the quantum Hall effect, both makes electrons go into cyclotron motions. We also draw an analogy between the quantum percolation phenomena in this system and that in the network models of quantum Hall effect.
PACS: 73.23.-b – Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems / 81.07.Ta – Quantum dots / 73.43.-f – Quantum Hall effects
© EPLA, 2012
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