Issue |
Volume 100, Number 4, November 2012
Article Number | 45001 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Physics of Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 November 2012 |
Strong and collimated terahertz radiation by super-Gaussian lasers
Plasma Waves and Particle Acceleration Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi - New Delhi - 110 016, India
Received: 22 September 2012
Accepted: 1 November 2012
We propose two super-Gaussian laser beams with frequency difference for obtaining more collimated terahertz (THz) radiation at a desired position based on their order/index and for enhancing the efficiency of the scheme by realizing stronger transient transverse current due to the spatial variation of their fields. For the laser intensity of ∼1014 W/cm2 and along with the application of a periodic density structure, a resonant excitation of the THz radiation is achieved together with the efficiency of scheme as ∼0.006.
PACS: 52.38.-r – Laser-plasma interactions / 52.40.Db – Electromagnetic (nonlaser) radiation interactions with plasma / 52.35.Hr – Electromagnetic waves (e.g., electron-cyclotron, Whistler, Bernstein, upper hybrid, lower hybrid)
© EPLA, 2012
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