Issue |
Volume 117, Number 4, February 2017
Article Number | 49001 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Geophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 April 2017 |
Study of MRI in stratified viscous plasma configuration
1 ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, C.R. Frascati - Via E. Fermi, 45 (00044) Frascati (Roma), Italy
2 L.T. Calcoli - Via Bergamo, 60 (23807) Merate (LC), Italy
3 Department of Physics, “Sapienza” University of Rome - P.le Aldo Moro, 5 (00185) Roma, Italy
Received: 5 August 2016
Accepted: 13 March 2017
We analyze the morphology of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) for a stratified viscous plasma disk configuration in differential rotation, taking into account the so-called corotation theorem for the background profile. In order to select the intrinsic Alfvénic nature of MRI, we deal with an incompressible plasma and we adopt a formulation of the local perturbation analysis based on the use of the magnetic flux function as a dynamical variable. Our study outlines, as consequence of the corotation condition, a marked asymmetry of the MRI with respect to the equatorial plane, particularly evident in a complete damping of the instability over a positive critical height on the equatorial plane. We also emphasize how such a feature is already present (although less pronounced) even in the ideal case, restoring a dependence of the MRI on the stratified morphology of the gravitational field.
PACS: 97.10.Gz – Accretion and accretion disks / 96.25.St – Plasma and MHD instabilities / 98.35.Eg – Electric and magnetic fields
© EPLA, 2017
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