Issue |
Volume 121, Number 1, January 2018
Article Number | 17001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 March 2018 |
Electronic transport properties of intermediately coupled superconductors: PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2
School of Basic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi - Mandi-175005 (H.P.) India
Received: 16 November 2017
Accepted: 16 February 2018
We have investigated the electrical resistivity (1.8–480 K), Seebeck coefficient (2.5–300 K) and thermal conductivity (2.5–300 K) of PdTe2 and 4% Cu intercalated PdTe2 compounds. The electrical resistivity for the compounds shows a Bloch-Gruneisen–type linear temperature (T) dependence for , and Fermi liquid behavior
. Seebeck coefficient data exhibit a strong competition between Normal (N) and Umklapp (U) scattering processes at low T. The low-T, thermal conductivity
of the compounds is strongly dominated by the electronic contribution, and exhibits a rare linear T-dependence below 10 K. However, high-T,
shows the usual
-dependence, dominated by the U-scattering process. The electron-phonon coupling parameters, estimated from the low-T, specific-heat data and first-principle electronic structure calculations suggest that PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2 are intermediately coupled superconductors.
PACS: 72.15.Eb – Electrical and thermal conduction in crystalline metals and alloys / 74.25.F- – Transport properties
© EPLA, 2018
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