Issue |
Volume 124, Number 3, November 2018
Article Number | 37002 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 December 2018 |
Edge modes in the Hofstadter model of interacting electrons
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics - 36 Vernadsky Boulevard, 03142 Kiev, Ukraine
Received: 31 July 2018
Accepted: 2 November 2018
We provide a detailed analysis of a realization of chiral gapless edge modes in the framework of the Hofstadter model of interacting electrons. In a transverse homogeneous magnetic field and a rational magnetic flux through a unit cell the fermion spectrum splits into topological subbands with well-defined Chern numbers and contains gapless edge modes in the gaps. It is shown that the behavior of gapless edge modes is described within the framework of the Kitaev chain where the tunneling of Majorana fermions is determined by effective hopping of Majorana fermions between chains. The proposed approach makes it possible to study the fermion spectrum in the case of an irrational flux, to calculate the Hall conductance of subbands that form a fine structure of the spectrum. In the case of a rational flux and a strong on-site Hubbard interaction U, (Δ is a gap), the topological state of the system, which is determined by the corresponding Chern number and chiral gapless edge modes, collapses. When the magnitude of the on-site Hubbard interaction changes, at the point
a topological phase transition is realized, i.e., there are changes in the Chern numbers of two subbands due to their degeneration.
PACS: 75.10.Lp – Band and itinerant models / 73.20.-r – Electron states at surfaces and interfaces
© EPLA, 2018
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