Issue |
Volume 130, Number 3, May 2020
Article Number | 34003 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics, and Fluid Dynamics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 June 2020 |
Should we pose a closure problem for capacitive charging of porous electrodes?
1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - Haifa, Israel
2 Grand Technion Energy Program, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - Haifa, Israel
(a) (corresponding author)
Received: 21 February 2020
Accepted: 18 May 2020
The capacitive charging of porous electrodes is crucial to various electrochemical systems which store or harvest energy, or desalinate water. Volume averaging of the equations governing system dynamics is often employed due to a random electrode pore structure, resulting in a closure problem. The closure problem introduces significant mathematical complexity, thus it is important to understand and probe under which conditions it can be neglected. We here solve for the dynamics of capacitive charging within pores of various shapes and compare to results of volume-averaged models neglecting the closure problem. We quantify errors and determine constraints under which neglecting the closure problem is largely justified, and find pore shape has a significant impact on the associated errors.
PACS: 47.56.+r – Flows through porous media / 82.47.Uv – Electrochemical capacitors; supercapacitors / 47.57.jd – Electrokinetic effects
© EPLA, 2020
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