Issue |
Volume 136, Number 3, November 2021
Article Number | 30002 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | General | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 February 2022 |
Quantum simulation of PT-arbitrary-phase–symmetric systems
Department of Physics, College of Science, North China University of Technology -Beijing 100144, China
(a) (corresponding author)
Received: 22 October 2021
Accepted: 30 November 2021
Parity-time-reversal (PT) symmetric quantum mechanics promotes the increasing research interest of non-Hermitian (NH) systems for the theoretical value, novel properties, and links to open and dissipative systems in various areas. Recently, anti-PT–symmetric systems and their featured properties have started to be investigated. In this work, we develop the PT and anti-PT symmetry to PT-arbitrary-phase symmetry (or PT-φ symmetry) for the first time, being analogous to bosons, fermions and anyons. It can also be seen as a complex extension of the PT symmetry, unifying the PT and anti-PT symmetries and having intermediate properties between them. Many of the established concepts and mathematics in the PT-symmetric system are still compatible. We mainly investigate quantum simulation of this novel NH system in two dimensions in detail and discuss for higher-dimensional cases in general using the linear combinations of unitaries in the scheme of duality quantum computing, enabling implementations and experimental investigations of novel properties on both small quantum devices and near-term quantum computers.
© 2022 The author(s)
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