Issue |
Volume 138, Number 1, April 2022
Article Number | 14003 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Nuclear and plasma physics, particles and fields | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 May 2022 |
Two-body hadronic decay of K+ in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field
1 Recherche Laboratory in Physics and Engineering Sciences, Team of Modern and Applied Physics, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Beni Mellal, Sultan Moulay Slimane University - Beni Mellal, Morocco
2 LPFAS, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Safi, Cadi Ayyad University - Marrakech, Morocco
(a) (corresponding author)
Received: 16 November 2021
Accepted: 4 April 2022
In this study, we have investigated the two-body hadronic decay of the charged kaon, , in the presence of a laser field with circular polarization. We have derived, by analytical techniques, the laser-assisted decay width and the branching ratio of the charged kaon decay via the two-body hadronic channel. We have also taken into consideration the impressive results obtained for the laser-assisted charged kaon decay via the leptonic mode in order to understand more clearly the effect of the laser field on the quantities related to the charged kaon decay such as the decay width, the branching ratio and lifetime. A precise comparison of the ratios of hadronic-to-muonic decay in the presence of the laser field is made to show that the hadronic mode becomes slightly more important by increasing the laser field intensity.
© 2022 EPLA
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