Issue |
Volume 142, Number 6, June 2023
Article Number | 67003 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Biological and soft matter physics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 June 2023 |
Active particles with delayed attractions form quaking crystallites(a)
1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universität Leipzig - 04103 Leipzig, Germany
2 Molecular Nanophotonics Group, Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, Universität Leipzig 04103 Leipzig, Germany
3 Department of Macromolecular Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University 18000 Prague, Czech Republic
(b) E-mail: (corresponding author)
(c) E-mail:
(d) E-mail:
(e) E-mail:
(f) E-mail:
Received: 1 March 2023
Accepted: 30 May 2023
Perception-reaction delays have experimentally been found to cause a spontaneous circling of microswimmers around a fixed target particle. Here we investigate a many-body version of such an experiment with Brownian-dynamics simulations of active particles in a plane. For short delays, they form a hexagonal crystallite around the target. The bifurcation to a chiral dynamical phase, seen for longer delays, maps onto that for a single active particle. Different angular velocities at different distances from the target induce shear stresses that grow with increasing delay. By exciting shear bands, they shake and intermittently break the rotating crystallite. For long delays, it detaches from the target to circle around it near the preferred single-particle orbit as a compact spinning satellite, trembling from what could be called tidal quakes.
© 2023 The author(s)
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