Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 50, Number 4, May II 2000
Page(s) | 507 - 512 | |
Section | Condensed matter: structure, mechanical and thermal properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 September 2002 |
Stochastic approach to cooperative relaxation processes in solids
Department of Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
CZ-166 12 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Department of Polymeric Materials, Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Relaxation and consolidation processes in solids (stress relaxation, physical aging) exhibit a number of similarities, especially with regard to the kinetics involved. In this paper, we derive a kinetic formula representing the time-domain equivalent of a Bose-Einstein (BE) distribution. The approach is based on the master equation supplemented with a BE enhancement factor. The plausibility of the underlying physical mechanism is discussed, especially with regard to the clustering of the elementary transitions involved in such a process.
PACS: 62.40.+i – Anelasticity, internal friction, stress relaxation, and mechanical resonances / 83.10.Hh – Flow of solids / 83.50.By – Transient deformation and flow; time-dependent properties: start-up, stress relaxation, creep, recovery, etc
© EDP Sciences, 2000
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