Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 60, Number 3, November I 2002
Page(s) | 481 - 488 | |
Section | Interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 October 2002 |
Mean-field threshold systems and phase dynamics: An application to earthquake fault systems
CIRES, University of Colorado - Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Center for Computational Science and Engineering,
University of California Davis, CA 95616, USA
Department of Physics, Boston University -
Boston, MA 02215, USA
Driven mean-field threshold systems demonstrate complex observable space-time patterns of behavior that are difficult to understand or predict without knowledge of the underlying dynamics, which are typically unobservable. Here we describe a new method based on phase dynamics techniques to analyze and forecast the space-time patterns of activity in these systems. Application to earthquake data from a typical, seismically active region shows that the method holds considerable promise for forecasting the temporal occurrence of the largest future events. We demonstrate the power of our technique via an application to the difficult problem of earthquake forecasting in southern California.
PACS: 89.75.Fb – Structures and organization in complex systems / 91.30.Dk – Seismicity: space and time distribution / 91.30.Px – Phenomena related to earthquake prediction
© EDP Sciences, 2002
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