Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 61, Number 4, February 2003
Page(s) | 506 - 512 | |
Section | Condensed matter: structure, mechanical and thermal properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 February 2003 |
Activated dynamics at a non-disordered critical point
Martin Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University
Mailstop 057, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA
We present a non-randomly, frustrated lattice model which exhibits activated dynamics at a critical point. The phase transition involves ordering of large-scale structures which occur naturally within the model. Through the construction of a coarse-grained master equation, we show that the time scales diverge exponentially while the static fluctuations exhibit the usual power law divergences. We discuss the relevance of this scenario in the context of the glass transition in supercooled liquids.
PACS: 64.70.Pf – Glass transitions / 61.20.Lc – Time-dependent properties; relaxation / 64.60.Cn – Order-disorder transformations; statistical mechanics of model systems
© EDP Sciences, 2003
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