Issue |
Europhys. Lett.
Volume 66, Number 2, April 2004
Page(s) | 226 - 231 | |
Section | Physics of gases, plasmas and electric discharges | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 April 2004 |
Drastic changes in the plasma potential inside a hollow anode during an applied accelerating pulse
Physics Department, Technion - 32000 Haifa, Israel
We present results which show drastic changes in the parameters
of a hollow anode (HA) which serves as a cathode in an electron
diode. The HA has a ferroelectric plasma source (FPS)
incorporated in it. The applied accelerating pulse causes
increase of the potential of the plasma inside the HA up to
7 and switches the direction of the current of plasma
electrons from the HA and its output grid towards the
accelerating gap. It is shown that, in spite of the large positive
plasma potential, electron emission occurs due to the dynamics of
ion motion in the sheath near the HA grid.
PACS: 52.50.Dg – Plasma sources / 29.25.Bx – Electron sources / 52.25.Tx – Emission, absorption, and scattering of particles
© EDP Sciences, 2004
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