Issue |
Volume 85, Number 5, March 2009
Article Number | 58003 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 March 2009 |
Preparation and microwave absorption properties of foam-based honeycomb sandwich structures
School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University - Changsha 410083, PRC
Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074, PRC
Corresponding author:
Radar-absorbing structures having foam-based honeycomb sandwich structures (FBHSS) were fabricated through a conventional foaming technique. Conductive fillers such as carbonyl iron/nickel fibers (CINF) and magnetic metal micropowder (MMP) were added to polyurethane foams so as to efficiently increase the absorbing capacity of FBHSS. A honeycomb sandwich structure, which was made of composite face sheets and foam cores, was used as a supporter to enhance mechanical strength. A matching layer made of nanotitanium powder and hydrogenation acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber composites was used for the face sheet, which allows the incident electromagnetic wave to enter and largely get attenuated through the absorbing system. Polyurethane foams containing CINFs and MMP of which a suitable content contributing to a broad bandwidth and high loss, were used as the core material. The measurement results show reflection loss was less than -10 dB over the frequency range of 3–18 GHz, which has a minimum value of - 26 dB at 14.2 GHz.
PACS: 81.05.-t – Specific materials: fabrication, treatment, testing, and analysis / 81.70.-q – Methods of materials testing and analysis / 75.90.+w – Other topics in magnetic properties and materials
© EPLA, 2009
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