Issue |
Volume 99, Number 2, July 2012
Article Number | 22001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Nuclear Physics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 31 July 2012 |
Nuclear reactions, induced by γ-quanta, in palladium saturated with deuterium surrounded by dense deuterium gas
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - 141980 Dubna, Russia
2 National Center of Nuclear Research - 05-400 Otwock, Poland, EU
Received: 9 April 2012
Accepted: 27 June 2012
A high-pressure chamber filled with 3 kbar D2 gas, Pd specimen, and Cu/Zn substrate aimed to collect the synthesized products, was irradiated during 2.2 × 104 s by 8.8 MeV γ-quanta. As a consequence, a synthesized novel object (SNO), strongly deformed Pd-specimen and deformed central area of the γ-quanta window plug were observed. A detailed chemical analysis of the initial and irradiated components as well as SNO was made. Large concentrations of light elements as Ti were found. The results for Pd and Re surrounded with dense deuterium gas under irradiation by 23 MeV γ-quanta energy are discussed which prove the reproducibility of the phenomenon. A model of fusion-fission reactions leading to the observed chemical compositions is proposed. The established effects may be applied for the study of nuclear reactions in deuterated metals surrounded by dense D2 gas and construction of a novel deuterium fusion-fission reactor.
PACS: 25.20.Dc – Photon absorption and scattering / 25.45.-z – 2H-induced reactions / 25.45.De – Elastic and inelastic scattering
© EPLA, 2012
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