Issue |
Volume 120, Number 2, October 2017
Article Number | 27004 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 January 2018 |
2D massless Dirac Fermi gas model of superconductivity in the surface state of a topological insulator at high magnetic fields
1 Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology - Haifa 32000, Israel
2 School of Physics, Peking University - Beijing 100871, China
Received: 8 October 2017
Accepted: 14 December 2017
The Nambu-Gorkov Green's function approach is applied to strongly type-II superconductivity in a 2D spin-momentum–locked (Weyl) Fermi gas model at high perpendicular magnetic fields. The resulting phase diagram can be mapped onto that derived for the standard, parabolic band-structure model, having the same Fermi surface parameters, EF and v, but with cyclotron effective mass . Significant deviations from the predicted mapping are found only for very small EF, when the Landau-Level filling factors are smaller than unity, and EF shrinks below the cutoff energy.
PACS: 74.78.-w – Superconducting films and low-dimensional structures / 74.25.Ha – Magnetic properties including vortex structures and related phenomena / 74.20.-z – Theories and models of superconducting state
© EPLA, 2018
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