Issue |
Volume 108, Number 4, November 2014
Article Number | 40005 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | General | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 November 2014 |
Detrended fluctuation analysis of non-stationary cardiac beat-to-beat interval of sick infants
1 Division of Fetal and Transitional Medicine, Fetal Medicine Institute, Children's National Health System 111 Michigan Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA
2 Division of Neonatology, Children's National - 111 Michigan Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA
3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University - 401 West Main Street, Richmond, VA 23284, USA
4 Division of Neurology, Children's National - 111 Michigan Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA
5 Division of Psychology, Children's National - 111 Michigan Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA
Received: 18 May 2014
Accepted: 2 November 2014
We performed detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of cardiac beat-to-beat intervals (RRis) collected from sick newborn infants over 1–4 day periods. We calculated four different metrics from the DFA fluctuation function: the DFA exponents (>40 beats up to one-fourth of the record length),
(15–30 beats), root-mean-square (RMS) fluctuation on a short-time scale (20–50 beats), and RMS fluctuation on a long-time scale (110–150 beats). Except
, all metrics clearly distinguished two groups of newborn infants (favourable vs. adverse) with well-characterized outcomes. However, the RMS fluctuations distinguished the two groups more consistently over time compared to
. Furthermore, RMS distinguished the RRi of the two groups earlier compared to the DFA exponent. In all the three measures, the favourable outcome group displayed higher values, indicating a higher magnitude of (auto-)correlation and variability, thus normal physiology, compared to the adverse outcome group.
PACS: 05.45.Tp – Time series analysis / 87.19.Hh – Cardiac dynamics / 05.40.-a – Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion
© EPLA, 2014
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